Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Squad Leader: The Game of Infantry Combat in World War II [BOX SET]

Squad Leader: The Game of Infantry Combat in World War II [BOX SET]

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Squad Leader: The Game of Infantry Combat in World War II [BOX SET] On Sale

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Product Description

CONTENTS: � 520 1/2" diecut counters • 192 5/8" diecut counters • 4 22" x 28" mapboards � 36-page rules of play and designer's notes booklet. • Scenario cards for the first 12 carefully constructed game situations. �� Two Quick Reference Data Cards ~ "This is Squad Leader... a game of WWII tactical combat in Europe. Now you make the instant decisions resulting in life or death for your men, victory or defeat for your army ... for YOU are the Squad Leader. YOU direct the fire of your squad, select your plan of attack, or set your defenses against massed Russian human wave or armor assaults. Will that hedgerow provide adequate cover for your flanking efforts, or will your men be cut down by the American machinegun position in the woods? The decision is irrevocable and yours alone. You must live or die by the results. Squad Leader utilizes programmed instruction to guide you, through 12 scenarios of increasing realism and complexity. The scenarios run the gamut from street fighting in Stalingrad to armored advances across snow covered roads in the Ardennes. A Campaign Game ties the individual scenarios together and allows your own personal leader counter to advance in rank and ability. In addition, a "Design Your Own" section is included so that players can create an unlimited number of play situations of their own creation. Each hex in Squad Leader represents 40 meters of real terrain with counters representing individual leaders, support weapons, and vehicles or 4 man crews and 10 man squads. Each game turn is divided into 8 phases equivalent to two minutes of actual time..."

Squad Leader: The Game of Infantry Combat in World War II [BOX SET] Review

I had originally bought Squad Leader back 30 years ago and fell in love with the game. Finally, here was a game that was a tactical simulation with individual leaders and support weapons and squad sized units that has the feel of tactical combat with out role playing. Well, I guess the players role play the company commander but the scale is small enough to imagine how fire fights took place. Also, Squad Leader was the original gate way drug to Advanced Squad Leader. Lots of memories playing this game with friends. Squad Leader is not without its flaws. With out playing a double blind game with a referee, you pretty much know where the enemy is on the board giving the player more knowledge of enemy deployment than a commander in real life would have had. Tanks in the original game were represented abstractly, an issue that would be addressed in future gamettes like Cross of Iron. Having owned SL, Cross of Iron through GI Anvil of Victory, the patch work of rules made the game confusing thus creating Advanced Squad Leader which is more a remake of the original Squad Leader and Gamettes that a reordering of the original game. However Advanced Squad Leader is not an easy game to learn since the rules were not written in incremental learning steps.

To me, Squad Leader and Advanced Squad Leader is the finest close tactical combat game ever. Any more detail would require too much accounting and role playing and at a company scale you would lose much of the small unit tactics and the game would be more like Panzer Leader.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Squad Leader: The Game of Infantry Combat in World War II [BOX SET]" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Squad Leader: The Game of Infantry Combat in World War II [BOX SET] ...

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