G.I. Joe V.A.M.P. with Double Clutch
You looking to find the "G.I. Joe V.A.M.P. with Double Clutch" Good news! You can purchase G.I. Joe V.A.M.P. with Double Clutch with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Feature
- G.I. Joe V.A.M.P. with Double Clutch
- Detailed military assault vehicle features a machine gun that swivels and elevates, removable gas tanks and shovel and a hood that opens!
Product Description
The G.I. JOE team deploys V.A.M.P. vehicles when they need to cover some ground with speed, firepower and a let's-get-down-to-business attitude. With DOUBLE CLUTCH at the wheel, a V.A.M.P. can cruise into the middle of a COBRA� base with tires screaming and machine guns working overtime. V.A.M.P. vehicles are the G.I. JOE team's rugged, all-purpose ground vehicles. They can be outfitted for battle with a rear-mounted machine gun and can tow larger weapons. Tough and hard-working, V.A.M.P. vehicles can roar into battle with guns blazing or provide a protective escort for valuable cargo that COBRA wants to get their hands on. When the G.I. JOE team launched a direct assault on COBRA Island to rescue a kidnapped physicist, a V.A.M.P. had a direct and decisive part in the action.G.I. Joe V.A.M.P. with Double Clutch Review
1982 was a memorable year for me. My grandmother bought me a G.I. Joe vehicle when I was very young and it happened to be the VAMP.Granted, I grew up with "Star Wars" toys as a child but I suppose because of the animated television series and because of Marvel comic book series, as a child I was quite drawn towards the toyline and to this day, the VAMP (Multi-Purpose Attack Vehicle) continues to be my favorite vehicle of the G.I. Joe toy series.
In 2007, Hasbro celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the "Real American Hero" G.I. Joe line and in 2008, the VAMP has had a re-release with the Clutch figure (now known as DOUBLE CLUTCH). Currently available in stores right now for $14.99.
For me, buying this was because of nostalgia but over 25 years later, it's still comforting to know that children can enjoy this same vehicle as I did when I was a child.
Of course, the vehicles have a bit more detail now and the hood opens. Also, the figures released now are no longer 3 3/4 but newly sculpted 100mm figures based on the classics. Also, no more need for the O-rings, as these new figures are more updated for modern times with a swivel chest and more articulation. Also, in 2008, the VAMP DRIVER, Clutch is now known as Double Clutch.
But all in all, this 2008 release is awesome homeage to the original 1982 VAMP.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "G.I. Joe V.A.M.P. with Double Clutch" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from G.I. Joe V.A.M.P. with Double Clutch ...
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